• contact@biservices.org
  • +1 (425) 312-7566

Non-medical home care services

Activities of Daily Living

Activities of Daily Living

Assisting clients in their private homes as well as residents in Independent and Assisted Living facilities included but not limited to hospitals, group homes and rehabilitation centers

Family services

Non-medical home care services

Child care

Staffing agency

Youth services and support

Assist Immigration services

Here at B.I.S we hire to the most passionate and certified cna by washington department of health that will meet your needs

Staffing agency services gives you the opportunity to find jobs

You are a nurse blessing of integrity services through its Staffing agency services gives you the opportunity to find jobs in the United States more easily. Be free and fill out our form

Find your job easily

Be free and fill out our form

    Here at B.I.S (a non-profit organization) we make sure all our income goes back to support our community.

    Non-medical home care services

    Family services