• contact@biservices.org
  • +1 (425) 312-7566

Youth services and support

Our Youth are our next leaders of tomorrow and it is very important we nest them very well, protect them, and prepare them to be the great leaders that they already are. We also know that being a teenager young, or youth can also be a confusing part of our lives and most of us were there, that is why, at B.I.S we take our youth very seriously, by educating them, preventing them from getting into troubles, and preparing them for the world. With the help of our country and our communities, we work together to teach them and learn from them. Together, we make them better people so that we can look up to tomorrow and be proud of them.


To reduce immature death, suicidal, operate machine including driving under influence of alcohol and drug abuse and addiction stop and how to report bullies Including jobs training Children sports activities by providing a vital and much-needed service in community to people experiencing low income but not limited to It augments efforts to help people on the spectrum acquire and keep jobs. By brings awareness to the public and the need for our organization. We provide quality confidentiality integrity services your payment still support the communities


After school activities, summer activities programs, internship opportunities, crime and jail time prevention, counseling, homework help, culture shock awareness, back to school readiness, housing,

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